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School Uniform

The School uniform is the set of clothes that every student of the school wears when he/she gets ready for school. Every school has its own sets of school uniforms. The school dress of every school varies from the other school as it is one of the ways to identify the children according to their clothes. It is easy to identify which child is studying in which school according to their uniforms.


School uniforms are necessary because students must know the importance of equality as it helps them to understand every individual is equal. If we see not wearing the same types of clothes can bring out an inferiority complex in them because all of them come from different financial backgrounds.


Let us discuss the importance of school uniforms.


1. Ensures equality, student safety

Wearing a uniform makes students feel they all are the same. The difference cannot be seen in their status because of their clothes. Every student feels the same because they all wear the same clothes and there is no scope for someone wearing better clothes as compared to the other one. Wearing a school uniform impacts students’ minds and they feel responsible and maintain discipline. 

2. Improves professionalism

With time when children grow up, it’s their learning in the school time that is very useful to them. Professionalism is very important especially when they have to enter into a corporate world. There is no uniform in the corporate world but wearing a uniform helps children to be more well mannered and behaved. 


3. Helps students to concentrate on their studies rather than the clothes

One of the essential points to consider is the kids go to school to study. There will be no point in going to school if they are not able to concentrate on their studies because of clothes. Wearing a school uniform allows students to concentrate on studies more rather than clothes and non-productive activities. One of the main reasons is that all wear the same uniform so students are less bothered about what others are wearing. 


4. Stops bullying

One of the major reasons for bullying in schools is clothes. Some students can afford expensive clothes and there must be some who can’t. So students often target to bully the kids who cannot afford such clothes. Uniforms decrease the pressure of wearing different and expensive clothes and increase acceptability. It also encourages students to feel united and connected. 


5. School uniforms are cost-effective

School is a place to study not where students can display their clothes. Having a uniform helps to concentrate on studies and the quality of education. School uniforms are cheaper than other clothes. It is easy for every parent from any background to get the uniform for their child. 


6. Helps to be punctual

When you have a uniform getting dressed up is hassle-free. It saves a lot of time as you know what you have to wear. Students can get dressed up on time and allow them to be punctual in their school. It reduces the chances of missing out or reaching school late.


7. It creates a better environment for learning

When there is a uniform there is equality and bonding between the students. It is one of the reasons that students are more disciplined and it creates a better environment for learning.


 Our School Uniform



Yellow Shorts (L.K.G to V)

Yellow Pant (VI & above)

Chequered Shirt (Half sleeves)

Belt, Tie, Badge, White Socks, Black Leather Shoes with lace(Oval-shaped front)


Chequered Blouse(Half sleeve)

Yellow Pleated Skirts 

Belt, Tie, Badge, White Socks, Black Leather Shoes

P.T. Dress (Std. I & above)


White Shorts (Std. I to V)

White Pants (Std. VI & above)

House T.Shirts with School Monogram


Divided White Skirts 

House T.Shirts with School Monogram

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